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Health Service Journal - subscribe to HSJ for the latest NHS news and jobs for healthcare leaders
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Major shake-up of child cancer services ordered by NHS England
Mapped: RTT waiting times
New national guardian for freedom to speak up revealed
Ambulance and trolley waits soar to record levels
Two ICSs fail to appoint chiefs as others confirm their new leaders
Two-year waiters rise by over 3,000 in a month
First three ICS chief executives announced
Health and care bill reforms
Two ICSs fail to appoint chiefs as others confirm their new leaders
First three ICS chief executives announced
Four integrated care systems fail to appoint chairs
Former private healthcare boss chosen to chair integrated care board
Leaders appointed in four more ICSs
HSJ Health Check podcast
HSJ podcast: Why NHS bosses are braced for more slaps and fewer claps
Expert briefings
Unions guilty of a 'moral failure' in poor support for staff with long covid
Deceased NHS staff called on to do their part
The nation will have to live with ultra long waiting times while pressure persists
The Health and Care Bill must require action on health inequalities
Letter from Scotland: social care reform proves challenging
Pritchard: honesty and ambition will mark my tenure as CEO
‘This is far worse than January – the vaccine hasn’t saved us this time’
Racial discrimination is present at all levels and all professions within the NHS
Julian Patterson: Government pledges to end shortage of NHS plans
Health Bill update: Small victories and missed opportunities
Jackie Daniel: NHS leaders must stand up for planet
Julian Patterson: Sir Trevor strikes back
Agility: the missing ingredient for NHS productivity
Greening the NHS is about more than net zero
Doing things differently to help GPs transform care and reduce demand
The silver lining of despair
Mental health faces the toughest three years in living memory
Julian Patterson: Longstay tops the Blithering 20 again
Private providers must be an integral part of integrated care systems
The fatalism of leaders turns blind eye to vulnerable lives
Staff redeployed to combat covid must be able to 'find closure'
What has covid revealed about the redesigning of care services?
How can the NHS manage the needs of covid patients in the longer term?
How can ICSs transform diabetes management and outcomes?
Using technology to support people in their own homes
HSJ webinar discussed could technology ever replace clinicians?
Clinical procurement: Cost-saving opportunities for the NHS
Shifting the focus to excellence reporting
Appreciating what goes well in Milton Keynes
Embed a culture of continuous learning
Organisations need to find ways of addressing cybersecurity
Integration of IT security measures at a hardware and software level
Healthcare services now need to develop a uniform strategy for digital patient engagement
Making healthcare a digital self-service sector
Improving services through greater digital engagement with patients
Should cybersecurity be seen as a patient safety issue?
Getting basic IT infrastructure right
Roundtable: Can empowering patients help the NHS recover from the pandemic?
CEO interview: Alwen Williams, Barts Healthcare Trust
HSJ webinar discussed meeting needs of covid patients in longer term
HSJ webinar discussed what covid has revealed about the way care services should be redesigned
HSJ webinar discussed what smart hospitals should look like and how to make it work for the wider health and care landscape
Enhancing patient safety during the pandemic
Tackling Scope 3 Emissions: HSJ Sustainability Virtual Series
The rewards and challenges of sharing personalised care plans
Living With and Beyond Cancer – A discussion on improving cancer treatment pathways and enabling equitable access of care
Listen: How improved coordination between housing and health can improve patient well being
The journey to net zero – what is the first step?
Lessons for the NHS on digital transformation
Caring for staff: how the NHS can improve workforce wellbeing
Embedding digital in the ICS landscape
Top CEOs Roundtable 2021
How can technology support the NHS to develop personalised care plans?
Thought leadership from HSJ Partners
Exploring the opportunities of population health management
Listen: Unlocking the power of digital health
Strategies for faster, more efficient diagnostic services
Medicom is bringing Resilience in PPE – Manufacturing the quality and quantity of face masks needed to support the NHS
If we are going to understand integration, we need to learn from unpaid carers
How the pandemic can help build back stronger services for cancer patients
Aster Healthcare Limited
Why NHS staff wellbeing is key to caring for patients
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